Friday, March 3, 2017

Art Lebedev LCD Keyboard

Art Lebedev LCD Keyboard

Art Lebedev LCD Keyboard at Best Shopping Sites List

Just to prove that some gadgets fanatics have not yet been affected by the economic crisis, gizmo flashy designer Art Lebedev has revealed yet another beautiful keyboard loaded with customizable LCD screens.

The new Optimus Popularis just been unveiled on the Optimus Project Live Journal, showing a keyboard that is similar in size and shape to an old ZX Spectrum 48K. Unlike the Optimus Maximus full-size keyboard, the Popularis has a basic typing keyboard with standard F-keys, cursor keys and both Windows and Apple keys.

There is no numeric keypad, but you can press the Fn key to effectively treat a portion of the layout as a numeric keypad if you want. There is also no sign of the buttons End Insert, Home and PgUp and PgDn and, although these characteristics are secondary functions of other keys too.

Of course, the key function is secondary to the way they look on such a device, and this time apparently each key LCD comes with more real estate compared to the Maximus, including the space bar.

Not only that, but there is also another LCD between the F-keys and standard keyboard, which we assume is customizable to display all kinds of widgets. In the published photo, it is shown displaying weather forecasts, stock prices and an email alert and graphics to the CPU and memory.

Of course, this kit elite piece is not going to be cheap, but it is apparently going to be significantly cheaper than the Optimus Maximus. According to Art Lebedev, it will cost less than $ 1,000 (£ 668.74). Okay, so its still a ridiculous amount for a keyboard, but its much cheaper than the $ 2.400 (£ 1.605) required for Maximus.

The Optimus Maximus took several years to finally surface after the first pictures were made out, but Art Lebedev believes it will not be long before the new compact keyboard is available to buy. According to the website, the Optimus Popularis will be available for pre-order or at the end of the beginning of the next.

Available link for download