Lots of making has been going on here over the past week as i have had quite a few deadlines to meet......at the weekend i picked up my rather neglected v stitch crochet blanket and had a bit of cosy crochet time......we have had chilly mornings and evenings which meant putting the heating on and lighting the fire again sometimes.....
.............but lots of bright autumn sunshine too and sweet flowers to pick.......
.............the last of the tomatoes here reminding me of traffic light lollipops.....
...............and another block for my modern vintage flowery wreath quilt...........
...............i am just beginning to stitch around the applique here with matching embroidery thread....
.............lots of lovely bright berries from our garden and purple daisies from my daughters as michaelmas daisies just wont grow for me for some reason......
..............we went to the farm and bought a pumpkin ready for halloween....just got to carve it now ;)........below is my little tea tray with a recent crafts beautiful project applique cloth on it......
...............below is part of my festive project for the crafts beautiful christmas special available now and you can find out more here.........
................besides making, stitching and crochet i have been planting bulbs ready to enjoy next spring........i have put lots in the ground and am going to plant up quite a few in pots and keep them in the greenhouse for even earlier bulb displays............looking forward to those already......
............the next block for my wreath quilt is applied and ready for sewing......i love making the same block but varying the fabrics used........the pam kitty garden one below is one of my favourites.....
...............one more sweet daisy with some festive fabrics in the background....more about these soon as i am planning a cheery christmas quilt this week.....
..............time for a cup of tea now and then back to work at my computer......
.................thank you for dropping by lovely readers and for the kind comments you leave me....it is such a pleasure to hear from readers old and new and i do try and visit you too if i can :)........wishing you all a happy week ahead enjoying the cosy season (or the fresh new spring of course if you live on the other side of the world).....hope you have plenty of sunny days, cheerful flowers and crafty inspirations.................back soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx