Thursday, April 20, 2017
Bad Science Emergency Chat Thread
Bad Science Emergency Chat Thread
Shit, so Ben at Bad Science is having problem with his site - as we continue to not help him out fiscally (bad us). Still if it helps anyone from the forum, please feel free to use this thread as a chat thread till we get the forum back - or at least a more suitable alternative. It allows anon comments so your shouldnt have problems.
Ill keep this post updated with whats happening - or wherever else we may have gone (if somewhere more suitable is found).
EDIT: Incase the site goes down again heres the update on the status of
Forum temporarily disabled, bandwidth exceeded, website dying, er, help?
July 3rd, 2007 by Ben Goldacre in bad science |
Sorry about the very long outage, my host suddenly and without any announcement simply pulled the plug on all CGI (geek stuff) because I was apparently putting too great a strain on their servers, and Ive had to switch the forum off (at the very least) until I get it sorted. It turns out that I was the hog making everything run slowly: whod have thought? This blog is back online but only on borrowed time now Im afraid, to give me a chance to upgrade to Wordpress 2.2.1 and see if that will help reduce the CGI load for a bit. Ive barely got time to do even that right now.
If anyone could offer help that would be amazing, I need to upgrade Wordpress and phpBB. I really cant pay for web skills at the moment - must start vitamin pill company instead of giving talks for free in schools and losing train ticket receipts - but I can give love, kudos/publicity, and I know some pretty girls. Might be better to email instead of posting below as the site will probably go down again soon, maybe for quite a while, so is the best.
Also unfortunately - with the best will in the world - I guess I maybe now ought to move to a bigger host to speed everything up, and most importantly remove any chance of this kind of thing happening again (the hours wasted already ) so it would be good to get opinions on what hosting can handle a min of 12,000 visitors a day to a mySQL intensive Wordpress and phpBB installation, and run really quickly? Ideally somewhere a step up from my current ten dollar arrangement but a bit short of the proper big money for a dedicated server?
Anyway thanks and sorry for the outage, hopefully going to sort it all out for good this time. Thank god nobody ever goes here or here eh. Look ma, no adverts. No evil drug company funding. Just a broken website. Looks like the web2.0 cashless volunteer ideas economy may not work if you lack time and 3L33t webskillz.
Sticks in my throat. Help. Cant someone please just become my best mate and hold my hand for the web stuff? I really love this website being here, but I just cant spend hours sorting it out at the moment.
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(Ive just checked the paypal donation button doesnt like being hotlinked to - so youll have to go to the site to make a direct donatation).
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